Maintenance and Service

Maintenance and Service

Fire protection systems require regular servicing to run at optimum performance and effectively fights fire. Our service teams will regularly test and audit your system to ensure it meets all required standards. We are on call day and night throughout the year to assist with servicing, maintenance and troubleshooting where our technicians can solve most problems onsite.

Our comprehensive capability and flexibility allows us to maintain equipment supplied by other manufacturers.

Wherever lifesaving equipment exists, it is critical to ensure that it is ready to perform in the event of an emergency. There are strict requirements for the maintenance of essential services such as fire safety equipment. Responsibilities include maintaining equipment to specific standards, keeping maintenance records and completing required compliance reports.

24/7 support

Fipro Service Technicians are on standby 24 hours and ready to make emergency repairs to your fire suppression systems. Our teams are equipped with vehicles and mobile technology that enables them to deal with most service problems on the spot. No matter how big or small, complex or simple your fire suppression system is, Fipro always aims to accommodate.
